JordanCon is well known for it's legendary panels. Below we at The Great Blight have highlighted all of the relevant panels that are streaming live or related to The Wheel of Time.
Friday, July 16
JordanCon 2021 Opening Ceremonies
2:30 PM ET
Queering The Wheel of Time - No Live Coverage
(Content Warning: discussions of sexual orientation.)
Very rarely were same-sex relationships referenced in the series, but when they were, it was rarely viewed as shocking or worthy of mockery. We're going to examine what representation does exist in the series, as well as our personal headcanons and how we think sexuality will be explored in the upcoming series.
(Spoilers about concepts and descriptions, but not about the plot.)
Panelists: James Starke, Amy Kisling, Amelie Downing, Daylin Tone
5:30 PM ET
JordanCon 2021 Wheel of Time Show Teasers: Overview & Reaction
(Mostly spoiler-free)
Amazon has released quite a few images and (short) videos to promote the series. We're going to go through every single one and talk about how awesome everything looks!
Panelists: James Starke, Matt Hatch, Chris Cottingham, Tom Cocozza
Saturday, July 17
JordanCon 2021 Guest of Honor Spotlight: Marie Brennan
We will spend an hour with this year's Guest of Honor. For those who don't know her, we'll introduce you! We'll talk about her writing, the worlds she's created, and her interests when she's not writing. Panelists: Marie Brennan
2:30PM ET
The Chopping Block - No Live Coverage
Adapting a 4.4 million word epic fantasy series is a challenge, but we think we have what it takes to predict how Amazon is going to chart out the first two seasons. Come join us and let us know your thoughts!
(Spoilers through the end of The Dragon Reborn.)
Panelists: Kristi Deming, Katy Garon, Nae'Blis, Jennifer Isgro
5:30 PM ET
JordanCon 2021: Costume ContestÂ
Annual Costume Contest - with performance from Marc Gunn. Come watch our costumers present their master works as we present the annual Jordan Con Awards.
Emcee: Marc Gunn; Judges: Marie Brennan, Ebony Adomanis, Deana Whitney
Sunday, July 18
11:30 AM ET
Unanswered Questions
A Memory of Light was published in 2013, and we've been asking questions ever since. Will we finally get some answers from Maria Simons and Harriet McDougal? (Spoilers for all books.)
Panelists: Maria Simons, Kristi Deming, Jen Halbman
2:30 PM ET
JordanCon 2021 Wheel of Time Looney Theories
Is Moiraine a secret White Cloak? Do you have deep thoughts about Portal Stones? Bring your Looney Theories here and share with the class.
Panelists: Matt Hatch, Sarah Nakamura, Kristy Lussier