Wheel of Time Theory
Content Description
Wheel of Time Theory is a YouTube content creator that covers all things Wheel of Time related. The channel predominantly covers Wheel of Time TV show news ranging from casting announcements to episode titles. You will also find more in-depth videos such as deep-dive videos which cover some of the cultural and religious influences behind the world that Robert Jordan created as well as character profiles.
Creator Bio
I first read The Eye of the World in 2004 when I was around 13 or 14 and after being gifted the book from a friend. After reading the first book I was and have been pretty much hooked ever since. After having read all the available books up till CRoT I too learned the itch of waiting for each subsequent book to be released. Once I'd finished A Memory of Light it felt like a hole had been left in my life which at that time I'd never experienced before, and haven't in a book series since. And every time I pick up the series once more to read it's like reestablishing old friendships!
When I found out the series had been picked up and was being made into a TV series I was so excited and decided to use my professional of social and digital media (primarily YouTube) I decided I wanted to combine those two passions and thus created my channel.
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