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Reanne Corly

Ree-AN-NA COR-ly



Unknown, Altaran

Year of Birth:

588 NE



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Basic Information


Reanne’s hair is grayer than not, and her face is full of wrinkles that look to be smile lines. She has blue eyes, and a light, northern complexion. Her voice is high pitched; almost musical.




Early in the story Reanne is diffident in her interactions with Aes Sedai, though this changes as she gains experiences with them. She is a capable leader of The Knitting Circle, the ruling council of the Kin. She always maintains an Aes Sedai-like air of serenity and takes great pride in her weaving skill.

Spoilers Below!!!

Actions During the Story

Actions Before the Story

Actions Before the Story

Reanne Corley was born in 588 NE, making her 412 years old at the time of her death in 1000 NE.  In 603 NE she enrolled as a novice in the White Tower. She panicked during her Accepted test after her trip through the first arch and was sent away from the Tower. Reanne was present in the White Tower during the reign of Gerra Kishar as Amyrlin Seat and was a novice at the same time as another woman named Sereille Bagand, who became an Accepted in the same year that Reanne failed her test and fled.

Reanne eventually traveled to Ebou Dar and lived as a member of the Kin.


New Spring

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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New Spring

Actions Between the Books

Actions Between the Books

It can be assumed at this time and in the books leading up to her first appearance in the novels that she was serving as the Eldest for the Kin in Ebou Dar.


Eye of the World

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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Eye of the World

The Great Hunt

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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The Great Hunt

The Dragon Reborn

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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The Dragon Reborn

The Shadow Rising

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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The Shadow Rising

Fires of Heaven

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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Fires of Heaven

Lord of Chaos

Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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Lord of Chaos

A Crown of Swords

Reanne Corley is the Eldest of the Kin in Ebou Dar, making her the leader of the Knitting Circle at the time when Setalle Anan brings Elayne and Nynaeve to the Kin thinking them runaway Novices. She and others of the Kin quiz the women on their knowledge of the Tower. When the two refuse to cooperate, she kicks them out and states that she will spread their likenesses to the Aes Sedai at the Tarasin Palace if they show their faces again.

When Elayne and Nynaeve return with the Salidar affiliated Aes Sedai from the Palace, Reanne relents and takes them to where the Bowl of the Winds is stored. There she is attacked by the gholam and is injured. Sumeko heals her.

Reanne is present at the meeting between Queen Tylin, the Kin, Windfinders, and Salidar Aes Sedai and Warders, Aviendha, and Mat to discuss where to use the Bowl of the Winds.

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A Crown of Swords

Path of Daggers

Reanne is part of the group of Windfinders, Aes Sedai, and Kinfolk who Travel to the Kin’s farm from the Tarasin Palace. En route, she and the other Kin attempt to convince Elayne to allow the Aes Sedai to care for Ispan, the captive Black sister.

When it comes time to use the Bowl of the Winds, Reanne is part of the full circle. When the Seanchan attack she travels to Andor with the group. She and Alise together prevent a revolt of the Kin when two runaways are unearthed of the Kin staying at the Palace in Caemlyn.

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Path of Daggers

Winter's Heart

While staying in the Palace in Caemlyn, Reanne assists in many projects.  Along with Nynaeve and Vandene, she works on plans to rescue Kin captured in the Seanchan held territories. She also helps the captured sul’dam to know their ability to channel and the damane to know their freedom. It is Reanne who makes the gateways to Braem Wood for Merilille to meet with the Borderlanders, and later for Elayne, Aviendha, and Birgette to meet them.

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Winter's Heart

Reanne continues to assist by providing gateways to various noble Houses that are currently undecided so that Dyelin can convince them to Elayne’s side. She is part of the group put together to help track down a Sea Folk apprentice who has run away.

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Crossroads of Twilight

Crossroads of Twilight


Reanne has continued her work with the captured sul’dam and damane. She is murdered with the One Power as part of a Black Ajah plot to frighten the Kinswomen into leaving Caemlyn.

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Knife of Dreams

Knife of Dreams


Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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the Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm


Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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Towers of Midnight

Towers of Midnight


Reanne does not appear in this book and has no notable references.

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A Memory of Light

A Memory of Light

Character Summaries

Special Abilities

Special Abilities

Reanne is a channeler of saidar with a power level of 14(2). This is strong enough to create Gateways for Traveling. She was one of the strongest members of the Kin with the One Power and was on the same level as some of the top tier Aes Sedai.

She was included in the circle to use the Bowl of the Winds.

Notable Possessions

Notable Possessions

Though it was not directly in her possession, Reanne led Elayne and Nynaeve to where the Bowl of the Winds was hidden.



As one of the women who took part in the circle to use the Bowl of the Winds to correct the worldwide weather and end the drought and heat, Reanne truly became a part of history. Through her assistance, Elayne gains support that eventually helps her to succeed her mother on the Lion Throne of Andor. Her work with the captured damane shows Alivia the freedom she will need to help the Dragon Reborn, as Min’s foretelling states she will.

Lastly, it is Reanne’s great age that helps Egwene understand the life-shortening side effect of the Oath Rod and gives support to her discussion of retirement into the Kin with Oaths removed.

In Other Media

Reanne has not been cast in the upcoming Wheel of Time television adaption by Amazon.

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In Other Media
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